Visual facilitation of procedures in the cytotoxic reconstitution unit (CRU)

5 October 2022

A.Charlier, H.Rucheton, C.Nowak, I.Baudin
Pharmacie - Centre Hospitalier d’Angoulême - France

The cytotoxic reconstitution unit is governed by various procedures to ensure optimal productivity and safety for the team. The knowledge of the procedures is done in a random way. It is carried out at the beginning of the internship or at the time of the agents’ rehabilitation. An audit of the staff assigned to the unit was carried out in 2021, showing discrepancies between the knowledge acquired and that required on certain criteria (DASRI, cleaning of the room, etc.). A brainstorming session was held to find a solution for permanent information on the unit’s processes.

Creation of an educational tool accessible to everybody using the method of visual facilitation of procedures to increase the efficiency of the unit’s organisation.

Visual facilitation combines text and innovative or existing visual structures. It is a powerful tool for supporting collective dynamics and collaboration, which makes it possible to highlight the content developed, to visualise complex subjects and to appropriate the concepts discussed and thus stimulate collective intelligence. These can be inspired by specialised sites (Sketchnotes, Signos...) in order to harmonise the schemas and allow universal understanding.
We have converted certain procedures relating to the unit’s processes using this method.

Evolution of 5 procedures in visual facilitation during the test phase: reconstitution of an active ingredient, preparation of plates intended for the manufacture of medicines, action to be taken in the event of a cytotoxic exposure accident, waste disposal, and chemotherapy not administered. The ratio between the number of pages produced by this method and the institutional format of the procedures is 1 to 4, while keeping the same information.
At the level of professionals, this test shows various advantages for referencing this type of document, i. e. comprehension, accessibility, speed of acquisition and visual memory.
For the accessibility parameter, by reducing the number of pages, these modified procedures can be displayed permanently and can therefore be consulted more easily. For visual memory, some professionals memorise data more easily with this method.

This approach provides a new perspective of the processes in use compared to the institutional format of the establishment. Staff members can more easily and permanently appropriate the procedures thanks to a simple and entertaining visual summary. These new formats will form the basis of a welcome booklet for newcomers to the unit.
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