Implementation of a remote oncology-monitoring program for cancer patients in outpatient care unit

5 October 2016

E. Peyrilles, K. Sejean, C. Lepage, B. Bonan Service Pharmacie, Hôpital Foch, 40 rue Worth, 92151 Suresnes


To evaluate, using indicators, the impact of an oncology-monitoring program on activity and organizational fluidity in a Cytotoxic Preparation Unit (CPU) and clinical departments. Identify positive and negative points of this program.

Collection of clinical and biological data between two injections by calling up the patient two days prior chemotherapy is performed by a specialist nurse of an outsourced medical call center. Data security is guaranteed by a licensed healthcare data host. After medical and pharmaceutical validation, early preparations (D-1) for expensive and non-expensive molecules are performed.


Program started in February 2016. After 4 months, 430 patients were included into the program. 23 patients on average are called per day related to 1860 completed clinical questionnaires (87%). 47% of files are complete at D-2 (biological and clinical data). The early preparation rate of expensive drugs, zero before the program, has reached 37% at 4 months. The destroyed preparation rate because of non-administration decreased from 5% to 2%.

Preliminary results show a significant patient compliance, feasibility of early preparation of expensive and non-expensive chemotherapy. These are preliminary results of a one year study. They will be completed by an evaluation of patients’ and health professionals’ satisfaction, reduction of waiting time, optimization of operations for clinical departments and CPU. The D-2 biological data collection is the significant difficulty and limits efficiency of this program. A reorganization of professional practices and a strong doctor / pharmacist collaboration are essential for better patient care pathway.

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