Creation and implementation of an enabling blended learning course in a quality control laboratory

5 October 2022

M. Stoops1, R. Mazet1, M Durand1, J. Leenhardt1,2, M-D. Desruet1,2, P. Bedouch1,3
1. Département de Pharmacie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Grenoble Alpes, France
2. Laboratoire de Bioclinique Radiopharmacie, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
3. ThEMAS, TIMC UMR CNRS 5525, Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Background and Objectives
In our hospital, the new initial training courses in pharmacotechnics are based on "blended learning" (1-2). We therefore wanted to create this training for the Quality Control Laboratory (CL). In this sector, the transmission of knowledge and skills is a key issue for the quality and safety of the preparation process and patient care. The training of our agents in the LC lasts 4 weeks and is carried out by companionship and reading of the quality documents. The objective of this work is to optimize the training time of the agents, while improving their level of knowledge and standardizing their practices by creating and implementing an enabling training in "blended learning".

Materials and Methods
Using the ADDIE method (1):
1) Creation of a skills catalog based on the analysis of training needs
2) Creation of a training guide with the key steps of companionship, creation of theoretical training materials (powerpoint courses, videos, quizzes...) and simulation scenarios
3) Implementation and evaluation of this training by already qualified pharmaceutical assistants (PA)
a. Acquisition of theoretical knowledge and evaluation of skills acquisition through simulations
b. Interview with the training manager 3 weeks after the beginning of the training
c. Evaluation of the training by the learners
4) Implementation of the training for novice PA

The training of our agents at CL now lasts 3 weeks and is done through companionship, theoretical training with various materials (e-learning, videos, quizzes, self-assessment questionnaires) and situational setting. We have created 17 theoretical training materials, 25 videos and 20 simulation scenarios to train the 4 PA of the sector. The training was evaluated in its entirety by :
* Satisfaction survey: good satisfaction levels (relevant and adapted content, adapted training time, high appreciation of the quality of knowledge provided to novice PA)
* Pedagogical debriefing: improvement in the level of confidence of the PAs in their practices
* Statistical study of the contribution of the training modalities through a difference-in-difference analysis

Discussion et conclusion
The pedagogical model based on a competency-based approach, centered on the control activity, seems to be effective for training and empowering agents in quality control laboratories.
To our knowledge, this is the first work that has led to the creation of an enabling training specific to control laboratories. This work resulting from the ADDIE method is applicable to other sectors of pharmacotechnics (URCC, parenteral nutrition...) as well as to all services concerned with its quality management.

Bibliographical references
(1) HAS. Guide de conception de formation ouverte et à distance (FOAD) dans le monde de la santé
(2) A-F. Dumas et al. Formation des préparateurs en pharmacie : Développement et mise en œuvre d’un programme d’habilitation au préparatoire, 2020. GERPAC, France.

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