Continuous training of the chemotherapy staff: Implementation and evaluation of a fun and educational tool: the trivial pursuit®

23 November 2020

Deprez C., Roullet Renoleau F., Bouyer D., Molinier A., Gueylard Chenevier D.
Pharmacie, Hôpitaux de Grand Cognac, Cognac

Introduction and purpose
On their arrival, each preparer and pharmacist of the preparation unit, have an initial practical and theoretical training which ends with an assessment. The objective of our project is the implementation and evaluation of a continuing education tool after one year of use.

The trivial pursuit® questions were developed with lessons, institutional protocols and with the analysis of the nonconformity reporting. The rules of the game were defined and the questions were validated by
pharmaceutical team. The questions are asked randomly. The questions evolve according to the progress of the preparers, the update of chemotherapy protocols and quality documents.

This game contains a game board and 154 dematerialized questions of varying difficulty. The questions are divided into 6 categories: Safety, Hygiene, Protocols, Preparation process, Medical devices and CHIMIO® software.
The game sessions take place every two months and the duration of the game is 1 hour maximum, depending on the speed of the players.
6 sessions were done for 1 year. At each session, there are 9 players, 81.8% (n = 9/11) of staff assigned to the chemotherapy unit. The average correct response rate over all sessions is 69.2% (n = 54/78 questions asked). This rate increases from 58.3% to 80% from the first to the last session. This rate is respectively 100% for Medical devices, 80% for Preparations, 69.2% for Safety, 61.5% for Hygiene and CHIMIO® Software and 60% for the Protocols category.

The design of a game is innovative, easily usable in continuing education.
The trivial pursuit® can be used in initial training because the concepts discussed during initial training are understood and assimilated. The game promotes the interactivity and involvement of participants. This tool makes it possible to monitor the development of knowledge of each participant individually.
Personalization and inter-establishment transposition is possible through dematerialization.

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