Analytical control of cytotoxic preparations: development of a pedagogical analysis tool

9 October 2015

J. Rambaud1, M. Lafay1, I. Ferry1, L. Escalup2 1 Hôpital René Huguenin - Institut Curie, 92210 Saint-Cloud
2 Institut Curie, 75006 Paris, France


As part of the development of analytical control for cytotoxic preparations and due to the incompatibility between the QC-PREP+® and CHIMIO® applications, a simple and practical tool for the results’ analysis was developed and it also serves as a educational tool.


Created with Excel®, the tool is based on extraction from the prescription register featured in the CHIMIO® application. Only the concentration and the name of molecule determined by the QC PREP+® application as well as the first name of the manipulator then need to be keyed in. The theoretical concentration, accuracy and discrimination of the molecule are calculated automatically.

Two summary reports are extracted: the overall daily analysis and the monthly analysis by molecule. They also include the percentage of sample oblivion and discrepancies with the prescription register.


The results are presented weekly to manipulators. This helps to point out nonconformities and educate staff. Individual practices are discussed, which contributes to team cohesion and standardization of practices.

A new manipulator could review her methodology, consolidating her results on molecules simple to homogenize (monoclonal antibodies) and improving on more viscous molecules (taxanes) with overall compliance increasing from 50% to almost 100%.


This tool allows the monitoring of each manipulator on each molecule, an evaluation and the improvement of practices. The training of new manipulators is better evaluated.

Discussing practices values manipulators and their knowledge of those practices.

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