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Call for papers 27th European GERPAC conference

The scientific committee is waiting for your proposals.

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Recommendations on training objectives and staff qualification for the manual preparation of capsules in pharmacy

The aim of this document is to provide comprehensive guidelines.....

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New guidance for the safe management of hazardous medicinal products at work

This guidance provides an overview of existing good practice and practical advice aiming at reducing workers’ exposure to hazardous medicinal products.

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Conference Archives

All the presentations (plenary presentations, short presentations, posters and workshops) from our previous conferences are freely available, except for the most recent conference to which only members of the association have access.

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Training - Quizzes - Virtual reality

GERPAC is keen to promote training for pharmacy staff through a training and information platform including access to quizzes, virtual reality simulation tools, and GERPAC publications Documents space.

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All GERPAC’s learning material is open access. To help GERPAC develop its activity, you are invited to join the association.

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Discussion forum

GERPAC provides for its members a discussion forum specifically devoted to technology in hospital pharmacy

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Association Loi 1901
Siège social : Chez Jean-Yves Jomier / 8ter rue Léon Bussat, 64000 PAU
Immatriculation formation N° 72 64 035 30 64
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Réalisation : Développeur web WordPress & SPIP freelance