Investigation of the influence of wipe sample monitoring on the cytostatic drug contamination at workplaces in pharmacies
15 November 2010
A. Heinemann1, U. Eickmann1, Cl. Hadtstein2, J. Tuerk3, T. K. Kiffmeyer3 1 Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege (BGW), Cologne, Germany, Bonner Straße 337, 50968 Köln,2 Institute of Applied Pharmacy (IFAP), Cologne, Germany, Bitburgerstrasse 4, 54668 Echternacherbrück
3 Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology (IUTA), Duisburg, Germany, Bliersheimer Straße 60, 457229 Duisburg
Antineoplastic and some other drugs have carcinogenic, mutagenic and/or reproduction toxic effects and effective safety measures are required to protect the employees. In an ongoing research, project founded by the German Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege (BGW), a repeated ambient monitoring is applied to determine the contamination of the work environment with cytostatic drugs. Main objective of the study is to find out, whether participation in such a regular monitoring programm reduces the contamination level in the long-term. In addition, correlation between factors, such as intensity of preparation activity, work practise, spatial conditions etc. and the drug amounts detected are investigated.
In order to obtain comparable and statistically firm results, a detailed design has been worked out based on previous studies and a questionnaire action among more than 250 pharmacies. 130 hospital and private pharmacies are taking part in the monitoring phase of the project. During one and a half year, they will carry out up to five wipe sampling cycles. In parallel, all parameters and conditions possibly influencing the contamination level have been recorded by a second comprehensive questionnaire and will be analysed using a database.
Results and Conclusions:
The scientific study design resulted in selection of eight compounds, localization of three uniform sampling spots, a detailed questionnaire, development of sampling kits and standardised sampling procedures as well as optimisation and validation of sampling and analytical methods. The first two monitoring cycles showed lower contamination levels compared to earlier studies.