Innovative approach for the decontamination of nanoparticles

6 October 2017

Pr Ph. Barthélémy ChemBioPharm, ARNA, U 1212 INSERM, UMR 5320 CNRS,
Bordeaux University, France

Many questions are emerging from the production of large amounts of nanoparticles (NPs). However, a global survey on the risk issues associated with NPs technologies and their production remains to be done. It is clear that nanomaterials can potentially induce adverse effects on biological systems, including human and ecological spheres. It has been reported that inert materials in bulk can become toxic when the particle size of the materials is shrunk to the nanometer scale. The large surface area of nanoparticles (NPs), compared to microscale products, has been proposed to explain this increased toxicity.

To tackle this issue we are currently developing artificial and natural devices in order to address the nano-waste issue. Our work is based on a patented technology using the supramolecular assemblies of bioinspired amphiphiles and/or natural biopolymers to serve as scaffolds for nanoparticles trapping and/or as bioindicators for the monitoring of nano-pollution.

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