Determining the effectiveness of a training module for use of the Multispec spectrophotometer to judge the dosage of injectable anti-cancer medicines

9 October 2010

A. Camut, V. Noirez, A. Khalifé Pharmacie Hôpital Bon Secours, Metz, France

As part of the ongoing initiative to implement an analytical monitoring system for anti-cancer preparations, the Pharmacy department at the Bon Secours Hospital in Metz has recently acquired a Multispec® UV-visible-IRTF spectrophotometer (Microdom, France). After the initial training received upon installation of the apparatus, we began a longer process of study leading to full mastery of the system. This process brought to light certain shortcomings present in the user manual provided by the manufacturer.

We therefore designed a training module to fill these gaps, with the intention of simplifying the process of mastering this software. The training consists of a slideshow and a written assessment (general understanding and practical examples). The training of 2 of our pharmacist colleagues provided us with the opportunity to evaluate our method. After one day of initial training, and having read the Microdom user manual, the 2 colleagues sat our written test. Thereafter they used our internal training slide show and sat the test again. We then analysed the results obtained from the two tests.

We were thus able to identify several shortcomings in the user manual: a lack of clear definitions of some important terms leading to a risk of confusion (bookshop, library), an abundance of technical vocabulary (calibration parameters), and a lack of explanation of the dynamic links between the different active files (which must be managed with caution). The main operating principles are well explained in the presentation during the initial training session, but they are not recorded in a detailed, formalised written document. The manual does not specify the potential sources of error at each stage, something we do in our slideshow. Our slideshow has proved to be more useful than the user manual for operator training and reference during the first uses. We have nonetheless made some modifications and additions. The written test has been proven to be useful for training purposes and will be used to focus the training process on practice exercises before routine and development use of the technology.

Diapos-Validation d'un module de formation Diapos-Validation d’un module de formation

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