Analytical method validation for the quality control and stability study of hospital preparations: why and how ?

4 October 2023

P Chennell (Clermont-Ferrand - France)
E D’Huart (Nancy - France)
C Merienne (Lyon - France)

This workshop aims to help the participants to better understand the reasons and methodology regarding the validation of analytical methods used for the quality control and stability study of hospital preparations, as well as some of the difficulties and traps that can be encountered.

During the session, the main following subjects will be broached:
* Why must a method be validated?
* What specifications must a method follow?
* How does one validate a analytical method?
* Critical review of methods that can be observed in the literature: good and bad practices
* Available tools to help the pharmacist

Throughout the session, the participants will have the possibility to participate using an interactive, collaborative and remote tool.
This workshop is destined to all participants wishing to refresh their knowledge about
the theory and practicalities of analytical method validation for hospital preparation quality control and stability studies.

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