2023 Conference

26th European GERPAC Conference

October 4, 5 & 6, 2023 - Hyères - France

In this space, you will find all the congress communications including conferences, round table, short oral communications and poster presentations.

Access to all communications requires that you are up to date with your annual GERPAC membership.


Opening of the conference

Concurrent workshops

Printing 3D of drugs

Innovation - Research

Presentation of works & publications

EU Guidance for safe management of hazardous medicinal products at work.

Critical situations: business continuity planning

Environnemental controls of controlled areas and risk management

Hot topics

Pharmaceutical Technology Master course’s award

GERPAC award 2023 for the best oral communication

Short oral communications

Access to replay of these recorded presentations Access is restricted to GERPAC members and to those registered for the distance learning format of this 2023 edition. Moderators F Lagarce (Angers - France) - L Bouchoud (Genève - Switzerland) - Y Huon (Liège - Belgium)
Public production of therapeutic bacteriophages B. Lapras1,4,5, C. Kolenda2,4, M. Medina2,4, M. Bonhomme2,4, C. Marchand1,4, C. Merienne1,4, T. Briot3,4, G. Leboucher3,4, F. Laurent2,4, F. Pirot1,4,5
1 FRIPHARM®, Pharmacie à usage intérieur, Groupement Hospitalier Centre - Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL), France
2 Laboratoire de bactériologie, Centre national de référence des staphylocoques – HCL, France
3 Pharmacie à usage intérieur, Groupement Hospitalier Nord – HCL, France
4 Consortium PHAG-ONE – PHAGinLyon, France
5 UMR 5305: Laboratoire de Biologie Tissulaire et d’Ingénierie Thérapeutique, Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines, CNRS/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
Securing the CAR-T-cells (Chimeric Antigenic Receptor – T) supply chain management: Welcome to cognitive aids ! E. Stassaert, R. Desquines, J. Duquesne, N. Gastaut, H. Baaziz, C. Campodonico, S. Ruitort, R. Collomp
CHU de Nice, Hôpital Archet, 160 Chemin St Antoine de Ginestière, 06200 Nice, France
Impact Analysis of Securing the Chemotherapy Circuit through Computerization and RFID Technology K. Lefevre, A. Andrieu, A. Lassalle-Diguet, E. Raingeard
Pharmacotechnie, CHD Vendée, La Roche-sur-Yon, France
DRUGCAM®, a video analysis system: Its impact on risk management in cytotoxic drug production units A. Andrieu, A. Lassalle-Diguet, E. Raingeard, M. Palamini
Pharmacotechnie, CHD Vendée, La Roche-sur-Yon, France
Secondary packaging of cytotoxics: which elimination process should be adopted? C. Dréano1, M. Delamotte1, M. Blanchard1, S. Ferec2, E. Touzé1, A. Lebreton1
1 CHU d’Angers, Pharmacie, 4 rue Larrey, 49933 Angers Cedex 9, France
2 CHU d’Angers, Laboratoire de pharmacologie-toxicologie, 4 rue Larrey, 49933 Angers Cedex 9, France
Man vs machine : how the pharmacist must adapt to improve the robot performance ? The example of subcutaneous (SC) daratumumab C. Auriault, E. Clapeau, C. Fronteau, M. Bourget, B. Mathat, E. Olivier, N. Cormier
Pharmacie, CHU Nantes, France
Hospital formulation of scopolamine transdermal device for the treatment of agonic rales E. Gonnard-Déséchaud1, E. Sournac1, L. Usseglio1, C. Marchand1, C. Paillet1, A. Citterio-Quentin2, C. Merienne1, F. Pirot1, 3
1 Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL) - Unité de Préparation et de Contrôle des Médicaments, plateforme FRIPHARM, Pharmacie à usage intérieur, Groupement Hospitalier Edouard Herriot
2 HCL - Service de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire UM Pharmaco-Toxicologie, Groupement Hospitalier SUD
3 Université Claude Bernard Lyon-1, Faculté de Pharmacie de Lyon, Laboratoire de Biologie tissulaire et Ingénierie Thérapeutique UMR 5305
Potassium sorbate: the ideal pediatric preservative? S. Jegaden, J. Bordenave, G. Benoit
Service Pharmacie, Hôpital Armand Trousseau (AP-HP), Paris 75012, France
Impact of manufacturing process on the stability of an anesthetic topical gel A. Thouvenin1, E. Jaccoulet1, C. De la Reberdière,1 R. Rasamison1, J. Bordenave2, V. Boudy1
1 Département Recherche et Développement Pharmaceutique, AGEPS, AP-HP, Paris, France
2 Service de Pharmacie, Hôpital Universitaire Armand Trousseau, AP-HP, Paris, France
Quality review of compounded oral solution of spironolactone at 5mg/ml in InOrpha® R. Desquines, Z. Ramjaun, C. Jurado
Services Préparatoire et laboratoire de contrôle. Pôle Pharmacie. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse, France
Risks and prevention associated with handling cytotoxics: setting up and running a continuing professional development training course A. Delavau, C. Nowak, I. Baudin
Centre Hospitalier d’Angoulême, France
Development of a new pediatric formulation of hydrophilic suppositories of pentobarbital and comparison with lipophilic formulations A. Freisz1, I. Dhifallah3, C. Gaudet1, M. Jouannet1, P. Chennell1,2, E. Beyssac3, G. Garrait3, Y. Bouattour1,2, V. Sautou1,2
1 CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Pôle Pharmacie, F-63003 Clermont-Ferrand, France
2 Université Clermont Auvergne, CHU Clermont Ferrand, Clermont Auvergne INP, CNRS, ICCF, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
3 Université Clermont-Auvergne, UFR Pharmacie, MEDIS, Clermont-Ferrand F-63001, France
Radiochemical purity calculation: analysis of the variability of manual integration on result rendering, towards a harmonization of practices R. Bodin1, C. Smadja1, A. Dowek2, C. Balouzet1, A. Hausser1, C. Hu1, E. Barre3, P. Leclerc4, S. Marie5, V. De Beco6, B. Sabatier1
1 Service Pharmacie, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, AP-HP, Paris, France
2 Université Paris-Saclay, Lipides : systèmes analytiques et biologiques 91400, Orsay, France
3 Service Pharmacie, Hôpital Saint Louis, AP-HP, Paris, France
4 Service Pharmacie, Hôpital Beaujon, AP-HP, Paris, France
5 Service Pharmacie, Hôpital Kremlin Bicêtre, AP-HP, Paris, France
6 Service Pharmacie, Hôpital Avicenne, AP-HP, Paris, France
Control of parenteral nutrition preparations in ternary mixture : contribution of infrared spectroscopy for the discrimination of three lipid mixtures M. Berge1, R. Eid2, M. Souce2, E. Guerreiro3, E. Caudron1,2, L. Le1,2
1 Pharmacy service, Hôpital européen George Pompidou, APHP, Paris, France
2 Lip(Sys)2 analytical chemistry, Pharmacy faculty, University Paris Saclay, Orsay, France
3 Pharmacy service, Hôpital Robert Debré, APHP, Paris, France
Preparation errors detection using gravimetric control on finished product, despite compliant analytical control or in absence of analytical control possibilities E. Seguin, C. Galon, C. Fernandez, M.-T. Baylatry, A.-C. Joly
Groupe Hospitalier AP-HP. Sorbonne Université - Hôpital Saint-Antoine, 184 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, 75012 Paris, France
Methods for visual inspection of preparations for parenteral use: between investment, reliability and training in hospital pharmacy M. Forat1, A. Jambon1, S. Filali2, C. Morel2, C. Merienne1, C. Marchand2, F. Pirot1,2,3
1 Plateforme Fripharm, Service Pharmaceutique, Groupe Hospitalier Centre Edouard Herriot, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 5, Place d′Arsonval, F-69437 Lyon cedex 03, France
2 Service Biomédical, Groupe Hospitalier Centre Edouard Herriot, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 5, Place d′Arsonval, F-69437 Lyon cedex 03, France
3 Laboratoire de Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle, UMR 5305, ISPB-Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 8, avenue Rockefeller, F-69373 Lyon cedex 08, France
Development and validation capillary electrophoresis method for the determination of spironolactone in a new 5 mg/mL oral formulation M. Sow, R. Vazquez, M.-N. Guerrault-Moro, A.-C. Lagrave
Pharmacy, Poissy-St Germain intercommunal hospital, Poissy, France
Evaluation of the surface chemical contamination of gemcitabine bags: ready-to-use versus hospital compounded bags P. Chennell1, J. Claves2, M. Yessaad2, Y. Bouattour1, V. Sautou1
1 Université Clermont Auvergne, CHU Clermont Ferrand, Clermont Auvergne INP, CNRS, ICCF, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France
2 CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Pôle Pharmacie, F-63003 Clermont-Ferrand, France
Physicochemical stability of nanoparticle albumin-bound paclitaxel (Pazenir®) infusion dispersion in original glass vials and EVA infusion bags H. Linxweiler, J. Thiesen, I. Krämer
Department of Pharmacy, University Medical Centre of Johannes Gutenberg-University, Langenbeckstraße 1, 55131 Mainz, Germany
Microbiological stability study of Atropine 0.01% eye drops in LDPE packaging to produce hospital preparations L. Rabouam1,3, A. Bousseau2, F. Vallée1,3, J. Delrieu1, M. Chevais1,3, A.-C. Epinette1, M.-L. Ducassou1
1 Pharmacie à usage intérieur, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Poitiers, 2 rue de la Milétrie 86000 Poitiers, France
2 Laboratoire Hygiène CHU Poitiers, France
3 Faculté de médecine et pharmacie de Poitiers, France
Effect of extended -80°C storage on physical integrity of fecal microbiota capsules: a prospective study C. Stampfli 1, M. Kroemer 1, M. Audry 1, A. Mitouassiwou-Samba 2, F. Aparicio 2, A. Ballif 2, T. Galperine 2,3, B. Guery 2,3, L. Carrez 1, F. Sadeghipour 1,4,5
1 Service of Pharmacy, Lausanne University Hospital, 1011 Lausanne (Switzerland),
2 Service of Infectious Disease, Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Center, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, 1011 Lausanne (Switzerland),
3 French Group of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (GFTF), Paris (France),
4 Center for Research and Innovation in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
5 Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Western Switzerland, University of Geneva and University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
Overview of the microbiological contamination of eye dropper inserts and caps: influence on the content sterility and the risk of ocular infection L. Roquefeuil, M. Jobard, T. Dumain, K. Diop-Aka-Ehouman, ML. Brandely-Piat, R. Batista
Unité de Préparations Stériles Ophtalmologiques et Oncologiques, GHU AP-HP Centre-Université de Paris Cité - Site Cochin, 27 rue du Faubourg Saint Jacques, 75014 Paris, France
Ultraviolet C decontamination: analysis of its impact on surface contamination in controlled atmosphere area P. Auroux, G. Leboucher, T. Briot
Pharmacie, Groupement Hospitalier Nord - Hospices Civils de Lyon - France
"Escape game" in the Cytotoxic Preparation Unit (UPC): will you manage to dispense chemotherapy bags on time? J. Moreno, C. Marseloo, M. Cavelier, C. Orsini, R. Varin, A. Coquard
Pharmacy Department, C.H.U de Rouen, 1 rue de Germont, 76000 Rouen, France

E-Posters - Session A: Dosage - Stability - Microbiology

Sterility testing for lipid mixtures using the BACT/ALERT® system E. Calimouttoupoulle, M. Dumas, D. Reitter, F. Faibis, N. Boukezia, S. Coulon
Grand Hôpital de l’Est Francilien, site Marne-La-Vallée, France
Dosage of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) by microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry (MP-AES) in the control of individualized parenteral nutrition (IPN): routine implementation N. Fournier, A. Loison, C. Skorka, F. Verryser
Centre Hospitalier de Valenciennes, France
Implementation of a terminal analytical control in cytotoxic reconstitution unit (CRU) J. Gautier, A. Trainaud, C. Collart Dutilleul, P. Le Guevello
Centre Hospitalier Pierre Le Damany, Lannion, France
Development and validation of an assay method for Tramadol and Nefopam in solution to study the stability of experimental drugs A. Durand, F. Maillard, V. Delannoy, I. Soulairol
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nîmes, France
Assessment of the microbiological impact of an isolator failure on the working environment L. Otte, E. Gava, C. Hanze, C. Gronsfeld, I. Roland
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège, Belgique
Physicochemical stability of sufentanil citrate in RythmicTM administration set reservoirs or in a polyolefin infusion bag diluted in 0.9% sodium chloride or in 5% dextrose at 1 and 10 µg/mL stored at 20-25°C protected from light R. Doncheva, E. D’Huart, J. Vigneron, B. Demore
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nancy, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France
Optimization of microbiological sampling in a centralized anticancer drugs preparation unit M. Decuyper, P. Maboudou, S. Tombelle, B. Dectot, F. Danicourt
Centre Hospitalier de Dunkerque, France
Stability study of alternative formulation to sirolimus 0.1% cream in a context of raw material breakage A. Gillette, A. Bourges, S. Vrignaud, V. Lebreton
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire d’Angers, France
Stability study of Letermovir in solution in 0.9% NaCl polypropylene bags F. Rioblanc, P. Claraz, C. Jadoul, A. Sabri, J. Roupret-Serzec, T. Storme
APHP, Hôpital Robert-Debré, Paris, France
Development and validation of a method for the analytical control of letermovir by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with UV-visible (HPLC-UV) within a chemotherapy preparation unit (UPC) S. Villeneuve, C. Baguet, R. Meghnagi, N. Jourdan, F. Le Cheviller, AB. Bouvrain, N. Vaillant, I. Madelaine, M. Brault
APHP, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris, France
Qualification of an indicative stability method for the detection of impurities in Histidine at a concentration of 117,20 mg / 3mL AP-HP S. Hatim, G. Boccadifuoco, F. Rosa, V. Boudy, S. Dufaÿ
Immunotherapies & stability: a costly race against time M. Aouaouche, J. Rose, J. Le Grand, L. Nicolas
APHP, Hôpital Bichat - Claude Bernard, Paris, France

E-Posters - Session B: Control - Contamination - Practice audit - Training

Control of a pediatric clonidine solution at 10 µg/mL by capillary electrophoresis L. Trocherie, R. Vasquez, M.-N. Guerrault-Moro, A.-C. Lagrave
Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal Poissy-St Germain, France
Preliminary evaluation of the detectability potential of visible particles: comparison between a candling table in accordance with the European Pharmacopoeia and a polarized light table J. Claves, S. Pais, P. Chennell, V. Sautou
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Clermont-Ferrand, France
Evaluation of the chemical contamination by antineoplastic drugs in a Chemotherapy Reconstitution Unit (URC) in a French hospital M. Masson, J. Heloury, N. Kerneur, E. Peguet, E. Jobard
Hôpital Yves Le Foll, Saint-Brieuc, France
Quality control of 5-fluorouracil infusers through packaging M. Nehlil, M. Annereau, T. Busson, A. Rieutord, H. Aboudagga, A. Dowek
Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
Study of particle contamination in activity areas dedicated to the automated preparation of doses to administer (APDA) I. Bari, E .Gayet, J.-N. Maurer
Centre Hospitalier de Verdun Saint-Mihiel, Verdun, France
Residual volume in semi-rigid bags used to prepare anticancer drugs: myth or reality? Evaluation and impact in practice A. Hasoun Najar, L. Josse, S. Martin, G. Leau, O. Gallon
Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal Nord Ardennes, Charleville-Mézières, France
Implementation of a training course on risk management for handling cytotoxics in collaboration with a Qualiopi-certified simulation center A. Delavau, E. Bernikier, C. Nowak, L. Danguy Des Déserts, I. Baudin
Centre Hospitalier d’Angoulême, France
Parenteral nutrition production: audit of practices targeting the risk of microbiological contamination F. Gaume, A. Ifrah, S. Valy, S. Vrignaud
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire d’Angers, France
Feedback from 2 years of reinforced visual control to secure the chemotherapy compunding M. Berge, C. Mequinion, J. Saidi, D. Giraud, J. Touchard, E. Caudron, L. Le
APHP, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Study of the passage of hydrogen peroxide through eye-drops bottles intended for sterility testing during their decontamination in an isolator L. Roquefeuil, M. Jobard, V. Labeau, T. Dumain, M-L. Brandely-Piat, R. Batista
APHP, Hôpital Cochin, Paris, France

E-Posters - Session C: Formulation - Risk management

ChimioPREP®: a too to secure a centralized pharmacy unit for cytotoxic drugs M. Casper, L. Bourgue, P. Nerrant, S. Rabeuf, M. Ben Reguiga
Centre Hospitalier de Mayotte, France
Evaluation of the difficulties associated with the administration of pediatric drugs delivered to outpatient A. Caldas, M. Royer, F. Marçon
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire d’Amiens, France
Computer blackout (CBO) in a chemotherapy preparation unit (CT): how to cope? J. Bodet, G. Lafci, M. Abele, A. Villain, I. Sakji, G. Marliot
Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, France
Formulation of an oral suspension of pyrimethamine for pediatric use S. Muhammad, S. Ahil, C. Figueiredo, M. Diakite, P. Marchadour, G. Benoit, J. Bordenave
APHP, Hôpital Armand Trousseau, Paris, France
Resumption of the downgraded circuit during a chemotherapy prescription software breakdown from A to Z C. Chabanol, M-L. Ducassou, M. Bay, J. Delrieu
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Poitiers, France
Administration of DARATUMUMAB by subcutaneous way (SD): what solution to reduce the pain associated with the administration of the drug? C. Hay, J. Villain, I. Dagrenat, M. Boisgontier
Centre Hospitalier de Compiègne Noyon, France
Equipment failure in a Controlled Atmosphere Zone (CAZ) : maintaining sterile drug preparations manufacturing A. Ghorbel, A.-C. Epinette, J. Delrieu
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Poitiers, France
Emergency treatment of NRBC victims by needle-free percutaneous administration of antidotes: AGATE Project (Atropine Gun AntidoTE) M. Forat, M. Venet, C. Marchand, J. Bousson, C. Merienne, A. Le-Bagousse, C. Paillet, F. Pirot
Hospices Civils de Lyon, France
Optimization and stability study of compounded oral suspension of spironolactone at 5mg/ml for infants R. Desquines, Z. Ramjaun, C. Jurado
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse, France
Assessment of exposure to hydrogen peroxide in a parenteral nutrition unit: occupational risks involved? L. Baldachino, D. Remaud, Z. Ribier
APHP, Hôpital Armand Trousseau, Paris, France
Y-site injection compatibility of parenteral medicines with balanced salt solutions Z. Mittmann, J. Thiesen, I. Krämer
University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany
Total breakdown in a production unit: how to face the emergency? M. Fontaine, L. Eyquem, B. Laluque
Centre Hospitalier de Bourges, France
Pediatric galenic adaptation, when compassionate use is not enough: the case of Clindamycin M. Jacquet, R. Mazet, J. Arata-Bardet, M. Durand, S. Chanoine, M.-D. Brunet, P. Bedouch
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Grenoble-Alpes, France

E-Posters - Session D: Production

Standardization of the manufacturing process of excipient aliquots to COVID-19 vaccines P. Thomann, L. Carrez, A. Pierrot, C. Stampfli, F. Sadeghipour
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Suisse
Emergency preparation of sodium sulfadiazinate injection: case report C. Levaux, C. Meex, S. Servais, I. Roland
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège, Belgique
Preparing eye drops from injectable specialties: using a peristaltic pump, from reconstitution to distribution L. Guiheneuc, M. Bourget, E. Olivier, N. Cormier
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nantes Hôtel-Dieu, Nantes, France
Feasibility study and preparation of polyethylene glycol (PEG) syringes for allergological skin tests related to COVID vaccination B. Mathat, M. Bourget, H. El Hanache, E. Olivier, N. Cormier
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nantes Hôtel-Dieu, France
Real-Life Test of a Secure Device for the Preparation and Administration of Anticancer Drugs: Chemolock® (ICU Medical) S. Perreau, ML. Brandely-Piat, R. Batista
APHP, Hôpital Cochin, Paris, France
Tevadaptor® closed-system novel design: flow separation, homogenization and ergonomic assessments on the new ChemfortTM transfer device E. Cohen, K. Sejean, E. Dang, C. Lepage-Seydoux, B. Bonan
Hôpital Foch, Suresnes, France
Musculoskeletal disorders: personnel monitoring and use of Romeo® handling aid M. Mellou, J. Robert, J. Sorrieul, C. Devys
Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest site Paul Papin, Angers, France
Considering robotic production of injectable anti-cancer drugs? Think ahead! T. Martin, E. Grassi, A. Mitha, H. Aboudagga, C. Bertrand, P. Coliat, COPIL APOTECA FRANCE
Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, Strasbourg, Centre Eugène Marquis, Rennes, Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, Communauté Apoteca France
Optimization of the sterile compounding preparation process: example of a filling compounder and its qualification M. de Lacroix de Lavalette, A-L. Leroy, P-N. Boivin, M-A. Lester
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rennes, France
The anticipated compounding of injectable anticancer drugs without physician’s prescription: a process study T. Melun, E. Marilly, P. Doucey, S. Kalfon, A. Mace, S. Menguy, F. Forges, X. Simoens
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Saint-Etienne, France
Providing a closed-system transfer and administration device for chemoembolisation ensure safe use? A. Bregliano, M. Jugai
Maison de Santé Protestante de Bagatelle, Talence, France
Best step to freeze faecal microbiota transplants: native faeces, faecal suspension or pharmaceutical forms ? R. Sintes, G. Navelli, S. Delage, S. Truong, M.-T. Baylatry, C. Fernandez, H. Sokol, A.C. Joly
APHP, Hôpital Saint Antoine, Paris, France
Implementation of an anticipated reconstitution circuit, and reconstitutions modalities of cyclophosphamide vials using a PharmashakerV3® T. Neocleous, M. Sangnier, A. Berroneau, G. Bouguéon, J-M. Bernadou
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bordeaux, France
Robot assisted compounding users club: the 2025 roadmap A. Mitha, C. Bertrand, P. Coliat, I. Sakli, D. Prebay, S. Cassatella, M. Bastianelli, H. Aboudagga, A. Rieutord
Institut Gustave Roussy Villejuif, Centre Eugène Marquis Rennes, Institut de Cancérologie Strasbourg Europe, Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, France, Loccioni, Rosora, Italie

E-Posters - Session E: Production - Organisation - Quality Assurance - Sustainable Development

Isolator Renewal: Don’t forget anything! C. Jutard, C. Carbasse, E. Coget, M. Rigoni, A. Roche, M.-L. Ducassou, C. Cousin, P. Brouard
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nîmes, France
Creation and implementation of a preparation billing tool at Henri Mondor Hospital B. Chapelle, M. Renault-Mahieux, V. Vieillard, M. Paul, M. Carvalh
APHP, Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil, France
Implementation of an outsourcing activity for radiopharmaceutical preparation B. Treguier, C. Schmitt, C. Provost, M. Steffann, S. Blondeel, J. Fouque, O. Madar
Institut Curie, Saint Cloud, France
Ecological and economic impact of a misbelief in a CPU I. Challier, M. Le Goff, N. Bakour, C. Orsini, A. Coquard
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rouen, France
Audit of pharmacotechnic pharmacists’s professional practices : from the validation of the prepation to the release of anticancerous drugs preparations P. Carlier, R. Devaux, C. Tan, A. Danckaert, D. De-Bertoult, D. Dautel, H. Huyghe, L. Real
Centre Hospitalier d’Arras, France
Change control: Impact analysis for the setting up of chemotherapy banded doses L. Stinat, A. Lassalle-Diguet, A. Andrieu, E. Raingeard
Centre Hospitalier Départemental Vendée, La Roche-sur-Yon, France
Cytotoxics reconstitution units in the ecological era: Assessment of dematerialization on carbon footprint M. Rigoni, E. Coget, C. Carbasse, A. Roche, M. Ducassou, P. Brouard, C. Cousin
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nîmes, France
Utilization of “ready-to-use” (RTU) gemcitabine and irinotecan bags: anticipating change M. Robert, R. Meghnagi, O. Giuly, D. Sankhare, I. Madelaine, N. Jourdan
APHP, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris, France
Validation of a manufacturing process within a temporary controlled atmosphere area G. Lafci, A. Villain, E. Poutrain, M. Abele, I. Sakji, G. Marliot
Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, France
Synergy of the Lean Management’s approach and computerization: Implementation on manufacturing circuit of individualized parenteral nutrition mixtures N. Gastaut, J. Duquesne, V. Gianella, S. Ruitort, R. Collomp
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice, France
Synergy of the Lean Management’s approach and computerization : Implementation on manufacturing circuit of individualized parenteral nutrition mixtures N. Gastaut, J. Duquesne, V. Gianella, S. Ruitort, R. Collomp
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice, France
Exploration of hypersensitivity to injectable chemotherapies: a 14-year retrospective monocentric study of the impact of this activity in our Centralized Cytotoxic Preparation Unit G. Lafci, A. Lecoutre, J. Courtin, F. Dezoteux, D. Pelletier De Chambure, D. Lannoy, M. Vasseur, P. Odou
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, France
Qualification of containers for cold storage of cytotoxic vials remains in the isolator of a centralized cytotoxic preparation unit P. Blanc, Y. Balaa, T. Daniel, E. Clou, F. Bordet, M.L. Maestroni
Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien, Corbeil-Essonnes, France


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