Automation of production in hospital pharmacy

4 October 2023

I. Kramer (Mainz - Germany)
S. Crauste-Manciet (Angers - France)
F. Sadeghipour (Lausanne - Switzerland)

Automation, and in its more sophisticated form, robotics, are gaining momentum in hospital pharmacy. They either are already, or in the near future will become a standard in most hospitals and certainly in smaller regional centers. It is important to define the conditions under which automation and use of robotics should be implemented and the criteria for choosing the technology. Elements to consider such as quality maintenance, security of the finished product (individual or series), efficiency or economy are of prime importance for the success of such a project.
In this workshop, we will define automation and use of robotics. The different technologies and equipment available on the market will be also studied. The implementation of these techniques for oncology preparations will be detailed and qualification and validation aspects will be discussed.
We will discuss the goals, expectations and detail the advantages and disadvantages of this process to avoid setbacks.
These different elements will be further explored through case studies in small groups and will be discussed and debriefed at the end of the workshop.

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