Training objectives for personnel involved in capsule preparation

5 October 2023

F Marçon on behalf of the “Groupe formulation du GERPAC” (Amiens, France)

Training and certification of personnel in capsule preparation are essential procedures, overseen by the pharmacist who delegates these tasks. These procedures aim not only to ensure the efficacy and safety of operations but also to establish a clear chain of responsibility. They align with established best practices.

Certification grants formal authorization to qualified individuals to perform specific tasks. For new hires, a comprehensive training program is designed to facilitate their integration and empower them from the onset.

We propose training objectives structured around a competency-based approach, highlighting objective evaluation criteria applicable in real-world practical settings. These training objectives address critical aspects such as the handling of hazardous substances, weighing and mixing of powders, and capsule filling. They also emphasize the importance of documentation and traceability. Specialized preparations and tools are offered to facilitate the assessment of learning outcomes.

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