Lean Six-sigma: implementation in pharmaceutical technology unit hospital

3 October 2019

1 Pharmacie, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Suisse
2 Section des sciences pharmaceutiques, Université de Genève, Université de Lausanne, Genève, Suisse
3 Pharmacie, Centre Hospitalier Dupuytren, Limoges, France
4 UMR 1094, Université de Limoges, France

Lean Six-sigma (LSS) is a process improvement method used by industries since the end of the 20th century and recently implemented in hospitals. This method aims to improve a process efficiency by avoiding waste and reducing variabilities. We applied LSS in our unit which produce 298,000 units in 2017. Our objectives were to reach a better process management, to constitute a versatile team and to smooth and to optimize our production..

Material and method
Lean Six-sigma (LSS) is a process improvement method used by industries since the end of the 20th century and recently implemented in hospitals. This method aims to improve a process efficiency by avoiding waste and reducing variabilities. We applied LSS in our unit which produce 298,000 units in 2017. Our objectives were to reach a better process management, to constitute a versatile team and to smooth and to optimize our production.

5 process were selected: unscheduled sterile and non-sterile compounding, scheduled sterile and non-sterile compounding and stock management. For each of them, mappings were performed and completed by data measurement. From these observations and wastes and causes analysis, 102 improvement were suggested to optimize and to control process, then 91 were accepted. 6 working groups were in charge of implementing the proposals. All along, an active communication (mails, meetings) on the project progress was made to promote team participation.

Application of LSS method in our pharmaceutical technology unit was a success. It allowed us to map our processes, to analyze them and to improve them with the proposal of corrective actions. For example, we had reorganized space of non-sterile compounding production, implemented weekly scheduling and stock management tools.
LSS is a team project straightforward to implement with a methodology and tools which can be shared by all actors. By involving the operating staff and by considering their remarks and concerns, answers and solutions come from the field and facilitate change and improvement. This work allowed us to demonstrate the contribution of the LSS method to redesign the processes of hospital pharmacy.

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