Current practice of cytotoxic preparation in German pharmacies

13 décembre 2010

C. Hadtstein1, J. Tuerk2, T.K. Kiffmeyer2, A. Heinemann3, U. Eickmann3 1 Institute of Applied Pharmacy e.V. Cologne (IfAP), Echternacherbrück, Germany
2 Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology e.V. (IUTA), Duisburg, Germany
3 Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege (BGW), Cologne, Germany

In the course of the MEWIP- Study* 130 German anticancer drug preparing pharmacies answered a detailed questionnaire (14 pages). Based on the received data, we are now able to characterise the current practice describing the facilities, extent of perpetration, number of employees and qualification, technical and personal protective equipment used, preparation practices, cleaning methods, unintentional substance release (occurrence of accidents) etc.

Anticancer drug preparation in Germany is not only performed in hospital pharmacies, but also increasingly in specialised public pharmacies some of which also supply hospitals.
The average number of antineoplastic preparations performed varies between 2 to 90 per day (450 - 22000 p.a. respectively). According to the amount of antineoplatic applications produced, the facilities vary in size and equipment.

An overview of the current state in preparing anticancer drugs will be given as well as data on type and amount of substances handled in Germany, including the total number of preparations and mass of the pure cytotoxic drugs handled per year.

* Monitoring-Effect Study of Wipe Sampling in Pharmacies

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