Workshop (CUAP) Automation group for ready to administer oral forms : "Control issues of the process"

7 October 2016

S. Armand-Branger1, A. Chevallier2 1 CESAME, Centre de Santé Mentale, Angers, France
2 Hôpital Broca, Paris, France

The automation of ready to administer oral forms tends to improve the medicinal treatment of the patients.

Just like any other automation, this preparation requires a strict framework and rigorous control mechanisms in order for the quality of the finished product (the bag) to be guaranteed.

As of today, in our pharmacy, the ultimate control step - meaning the compliance verification of the bag produced with the medical prescription before the delivery- is carried out by visual inspection.

The reliability of this ultimate visual inspection could be enhanced.
Today, a potential solution advanced by industrial businesses would be to make advantage of control automatons.

Throughout these sessions, we will introduced us to the various control automatons already existing and available on the market and share the experiment of some already equipped colleagues.

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