Workshop 4: New UK standards for aseptic preparation of paediatric parenteral nutrition and comparison with European standards

7 October 2015

Modérateurs : A. Beaney1, R. Bateman2 1 North-East England, UK
2 East and South East England, UK

There have been fatalities associated with the preparation of paediatric parenteral nutrition (PN) that have resulted in changes to standards that have impacted significantly on all aseptic units in the UK, and are continuing to do. This workshop will give information about these changes, will explain the background to them, and will identify key issues that could also impact across Europe.

The moderators will discuss in particular the introduction of sporicides into liquid transfer processes, the risks and benefits associated with ‘pooling’, and new requirements for increased process validation.

An interactive session will allow participants to share best practice on these, and other, issues. The delegates will participate in a discussion about these key issues and whether similar circumstances could apply in their own countries. There will also be an opportunity to compare and contrast aseptic practices in relation to paediatric PN.

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