The GERPAC e-learning platform

6 October 2017

Dr P. Rohrbach Verdun Hospital, France

GERPAC has always focused on promoting knowledge and skills in the field of pharmaceutical technology in hospitals as evidenced by its many successful scientific days.

The desire to provide a tool for training operators in the preparation of injectables comes from the presentation in 2008 of a self-assessment by the pharmacy team of the CHU of Caen during a workshop GERPAC on staff training.

A working group continued in 2012 this work by developing a free online learning tool in the form of a quiz.

  • This tool had to answer several objectives
  • Free online access after prior identification
  • Multiple participations and no time limit
  • Level of difficulties adapted to the learner’s profile (pharmacist, technician)
  • Traceability of the training with the award of a badge if successful
  • Scalabity

The work plan was developed around 4 main themes (monitoring of installation, safety of the preparation, materials and techniques, quality-risks and legislation) presented in 24 separate quizzes.

The choice was made for the Moodle content management software coupled with the software rapid learning Ispring Quizmaker, the architecture of this platform allowing to accommodate at the same time DPC programs and the GERPAC documents space.

The author declares no conflict of interests compared with the presented works

Watch the video in simultaneous translation

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