Predicting chemical interactions: back to basics

6 October 2017

Dr V. Desvergnes Inserm U1212 UMR 5320 CNRS, Bordeaux University, France

Defining a drug is a complex affair: the definition will be different for a doctor, a chemist or a pharmacist. Consequently, in pharmacy practice, the form administered on the basis of the galenic formulation must be adapted to the patient and the context using the appropriate active ingredient and excipients. Excipients can have a fundamental effect on the bioavailability, activity and even chemical integrity of the active ingredient. Recalling some simple fundamentals of chemistry this paper aims to reactivate or stimulate thought on the prevention of potential interactions between active ingredients and excipients during the processes of formulation. Calling on precise examples, this paper will attempt to convince you to abandon the idea that excipients are necessarily inert.

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