Implementation of monitoring and evaluation tools for hospital pharmacy technicians (PPH) in an oncology pharmacy unit (UPO)

7 October 2016

C. Coccini, O. Combes, M. Boissiere, F. Lafaille, M. Knight, JM. Kinowski, C. Cousin Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Carémeau, place du Pr Debré, 30029 Nîmes - France


The initial and continuous training of PPH in a chemotherapy oncology preparation unit requires specific chemotherapy knowledge from a technical and scientific point of view.

Due to the implementation of PPH versatility between different sectors of pharmacy, the monitoring of their training must be ensured. In this context, we have put in place suitable supports and tools for the PPH knowledge assessment and training monitoring.

Material and method

In our Hospital, initial training lasts 4 months. A record book was developed with each job description associated with a validation form. This form allows you to enter the weekly assessment whether the PPH has "acquired" the required knowledge or if this one remains "to be confirmed" or "to be acquired ". After this training the PPH has to answer multiple choice questions to assess his knowledge of the procedures related to risk situations, hygiene, the circuit or the quality.

The training was formalized by the implementation of simulations. A “ZAC of errors” was conducted. It consists in the deliberate introduction on each workstation of errors that should be detected by pharmacy technicians.

Another simulation on vials breaking is underway allowing better control of gestures to be performed in case of incidents.


In the end the initial training is from now on traced with a suitable tool that allows information on activity indicators. This record book could be improved by adding continuous evaluation forms.

A satisfaction survey team encourages us to continue the simulation projects. This technique will be continued with the recent installation of the preparation assisted video camera system DRUGCAM®. This system will allow the management to analyze the handling techniques of the PPH and so optimally validate this workstation. An investigation will be conducted to assess the impact of these tools on the reduction in the number of instances of non-compliance.

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