A new international journal dedicated to hospital pharmacy: "Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy"

8 October 2015

F. Lagarce INSERM U 646,
CHU Angers, France

A new journal entitled « Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy » is to be launched in early 2016. This journal aims to fill a gap and provide an international media of good scientific level that is focused on the technological issues encountered in our compounding pharmacies. Pharmaceutical Technology has here a broad meaning, i.e. encompassing all pharmaceutical compoundings including radiopharmaceuticals but also analytical and biological controls, experimental drug compounding, sterilization, and the evaluation of medical devices performances or automation (not limitative list). This journal will be the official journal of the GERPAC and will be freely available for all its members. It will have 4 issues per year. GERPAC is developing this project with the german editor De Gruyter who has an important ranking in the field of health scientific journal for more than 50 years. The journal will include research articles but also reviews and opinion papers. All papers will be submitted to peer review before acceptance. This journal has the goal to become “the” journal of our field. All GERPAC members are encouraged to read it and naturally to actively contribute.

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